Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy

Brand Discovery

Every brand strategy begins with a deep dive to uncover key information about your business model and process. We conduct discovery sessions to gather your requirements, brainstorm and gain clarity about what you do. We define what, how and why so that strategic direction and identity align with your business goals.

Competitor Analysis

To help you stand out, you have to know with whom you are competing. We conduct a top-level analysis of your competitors or benchmark brands in the areas of brand identity, website experience, digital marketing and more. This important exercise identifies areas of opportunity and key differentiators to help us position your business effectively.

Target Audience

The better you understand and define your customers, the more you can tailor their experience with your brand message and marketing. We outline your general target audience demographic, then develop specific buyer personas that provide more detail about their values, lifestyles, motivations, pain points and more. Then, we help you finetune your brand communication so that you can speak succinctly and clearly to these target audiences.

Brand Voice

People seek authentic brands with a clear story supported by an appropriate voice and tone that speaks to them. We help define a brand voice for you—a style, point of view and personality. Every brand has a unique communication style that should be consistently practiced over time. We also show you how your brand’s tone can change depending upon the type of message and the audience being targeted.

Brand Messaging

Your business needs concise and dynamic brand messaging that captures the essence of your brand and shows the value you provide to your customers. Your overall story should grab attention and elicit an emotional response. We craft a unique tagline or slogan, mission statement, value propositions, and overall brand story that you can use on your website’s “About” page, which studies show is one of the most visited pages on a website. These brand statements allow you to work from the same playbook when defining strategies and tactics to grow your business.